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Contact Us

We want to hear from you! You’ll find contact information for the most common questions below, or you can send us an inquiry.

USG Headquarters:
USG Corporation
550 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661

Product Sales & Support

Please direct your communication to the appropriate department listed below.

For product questions, contact the appropriate sales representative.

Customer Service

To contact the customer service center,
please call  800.950.3839 between 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. CT, Mon - Fri.

Product Technical Support

For technical assistance please contact USG4YOU:

phone: 800.USG.4YOU (874.4968)
online:   USG4You Technical Support Form

Product Safety Hotline

For product safety questions, please call our Product Safety Hotline number at 1.866.519.4752.

Samples & Literature

Please place all Samples and Literature Orders online using the link in the top navigation.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties placing an order online, please fill out this form.

Safety Data Sheets

Gather all of the necessary material safety data sheets for the USG products in your construction. Download individual copies or easily add them to your submittal builder.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, contact our team at

Order Inquiries

  • Gypsum Orders (Interior panels, joint treatment, sheathing, etc.): 800.950.3839
  • Ceilings Orders: 800.950.3839
  • Industrial Gypsum (Flooring, roofing): 800.621.9523

For all other inquiries...

Please use our online form for other requests and questions.