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Shaft Wall Limiting Heights & Spans

Vertical Shaft Wall
Horizontal Shaft Wall


USG Wall Shaft Systems are engineered to withstand pressure loads and provide in-service impact resistance to ensure long-term performance and durability. Use this section to determine the wall assembly to use and the size and gauge of framing. You will need to know elevator pressures and other in-service demands, and can use an elevator pressure table.

USG Shaft Wall Systems are non-load bearing  gypsum wall partition assemblies constructed from outside the shaft at each floor. The assemblies are constructed of gypsum liner panels friction fitted to studs in a progressive manner, with gypsum panels, gypsum fiber panels or cement board applied to the face.

USG Shaft Wall Systems installed horizontally provide economical construction for fire-resistive duct enclosures, corridors ceilings and stairway soffits.

1-Hour Corridor Ceiling

Assembly with Single-Layer 5/8" Gypsum Panels

Ceiling Membrane of 1-Hour Corridor
Ceiling Membrane of 1-Hour Corridor


Stud Steel Member Designation Limiting Span
212CH25-18 8' 6"
400CH25-18 9' 3"
212CH20-34 10' 4"
400CH20-34 14' 11"
600CH20-34 20' 10"

2-Hour Corridor Ceiling

Assembly with Double-Layer 1/2" or 5/8" Gypsum Panels

Ceiling Membrane of 2-Hour Corridor
Ceiling Membrane of 2-Hour Corridor


Stud Steel Member Designation Limiting Span
212CH20-34 7' 7"
212CH25-18 7' 10"
400CH25-18 9' 8"
400CH20-34 14' 0"
600CH20-34 19' 7"

2-Hour Horizontal Membrane or Duct Enclosure

Assembly with Triple-Layer 1/2" Gypsum Panels

2-Hour Rated Assembly - Horizontal Membrane or Duct Enclosure
2-Hour Rated Assembly - Horizontal Membrane or Duct Enclosure


Limiting Span

The Horizontal Duct Enclosure System is limited to a span of 5' 4" long.

Note: For larger spans, please refer to UL Designs I506, K504 and K506.