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Air Barrier Membrane

Air Barrier Membrane

Ensures Energy Efficiency

Air Barrier Membrane

An air barrier is a component within the building envelope with the purpose of controlling air flow between the exterior of the building and the interior environment. Air loss occurs through penetrations, seams, and transitions in wall assemblies. When installed correctly, the air barrier greatly contributes to the energy efficiency of a building. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 40% of energy consumption can be attributed to buildings and 40% of the energy loss in building operations is attributed to the building envelope. The building industry recognizes that air barriers are fundamental and necessary to maintain the airtight integrity of the entire building.

Securock® ExoAir® 430 System Components:
ExoAir® 230 Membrane  

ExoAir 230 Membrane a fluid applied, synthetic, vapor permeable air barrier designed for use in commercial construction applications. It can be either roller- or trowel-applied to common substrates. ExoAir 230 can be used as an air barrier membrane on adjacent substrates, such as concrete or CMU, and can also be used in conjunction with Securock ExoAir Reinforcing Mesh as a transition material.

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