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Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) Compatibility

Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) Compatibility

Outsulation® Securock® ExoAir® 430 Systems

Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) Compatibility

The Outsulation® systems from Dryvit® are one of several Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) options that are compatible with the Securock® ExoAir® 430 air barrier system. This collaborative system is covered by a 20-year warranty, which includes service and support throughout the lifecycle of the warranty. Dryvit Outsulation systems have a continuous insulation (CI) component throughout the cladding which eliminates thermal bridging, controls energy flow, conserves energy, and reduces annual operating costs1. The Outsulation systems have seamless finish veneers with a broad range of aesthetic options.


The Outsulation Securock ExoAir 430 Systems include the Outsulation Plus MD, MD, PE, HDCI™, and X™ systems with the Securock ExoAir 430 air barrier system. The combined systems reduce construction costs, while developing a high-performing, energy efficient building. 

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